Apply for organisational membership
By joining Health Coalition Aotearoa as an organisational member, you can add strength to a growing collective advocating for health equity and policies that reduce the impact of harmful products including alcohol, tobacco, vaping (for youth) and unhealthy food.
Members receive HCA emails and reports, can attend member-only events, contribute to HCA submissions and campaigns, and attend and vote at our AGM. Organisational members can display their logo and url on our website.
We have a structure for membership fees, based on organisational full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff (including paid contractors and part-time staff).
Note that this page is only used to apply for paid organisational memberships for those with seven FTE or more. If your organisation has less than seven FTE and you wish to apply for free membership you must use the free organisational membership page instead.
Organizational FTE | Annual Membership Fee |
< 7 | Free membership |
7-20 | $350 |
> 20 | $1000 |
As we have kept membership fees as accessible and low as possible, we welcome additional donations upon joining or renewing membership, to protect our independent voice for public health.
Organisational members who are contributing more than $3,000 of donations in-kind to HCA (e.g. office space, design or website services or significant engagement on HCA’s behalf with impacted communities) may consider offsetting all or part of their membership fees by negotiation.
Annual membership fees are due by April 1.
Partial year memberships are not pro-rata.
Organisational membership
Organisational membership is open to organisations who are committed to prevention, especially reducing harm from tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food. Organisational members are non-governmental, non-commercial organisations such as NGOs, professional associations, and academic groups who do not have commercial conflicts of interest. Any potential conflicts must be declared below.