Watch Health Coalition co-chair Professor Boyd Swinburn talking to Newshub about the compelling evidence showing the healthy free lunches programme Ka Ora, Ka Ako is having a positive impact for ākonga.

Watch here: Free School Lunches gets A-rating, but David Seymour still warns funding cuts will be made | Newshub
Government measures to ‘crackdown’ on youth vaping do not go far enough say Health Coalition Aotearoa Smokefree Expert Advisory Group.

While the Government’s announcement to cease the sale of disposable vapes and increase penalties for non-compliant retailers is seen as a start to addressing youth vaping issues, members from the […]
A third of household beverage budget spent on sugary drinks – study

A New Zealand study of beverage purchases shows consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks remains high, accounting for one third of the average household drinks budget, prompting renewed calls for a sugary […]
Voices for health: going, going, going…
New smokefree law will protect our mokopuna
Cross party support for nicotine-free cigarettes
Big spend on vaccines, but preventable illness short-changed.
A massive gap in public health service purchasing, at just 2.1 percent of the health budget, shows other core public health investment has been dwarfed by the needed $1.4 billion […]
Smoke Free Action Plan geared to be “end game move” for Tobacco-caused death
The Smokefree Action Plan which proposes sweeping tobacco sale restrictions and the creation of a smokefree-generation could be the “end game move” needed to eliminate tobacco-caused death in New Zealand, […]
Media release: Dirty PR exposed in Whale Oil defamation trial
“The exposure of these dirty PR tactics clears the way for all our colleagues who are advocating for strong public health policies to do so without fear of being abused and defamed in the media,” said Professor Sellman
Health groups call for serious action on prevention
Tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food cause about one-third of the annual loss of healthy life-years, yet less than 0.5 percent of the health budget is spent on preventing this damage. […]