
Statement on Board member David Galler

Health Coalition Aotearoa (HCA) acknowledges the recent incident involving Board member Dr David Galler at the Northern Club, reported by media.

Dr Galler has acknowledged that it was inappropriate to approach MPs while attending an event at the club as a guest.

He has fully apologised to the Northern Club and the host of the event he was attending, and we believe these apologies have been accepted.

Dr Galler was an intensive care specialist at Middlemore Hospital for 32 years, has been an advisor to several ministers of health and has been a champion for improved healthcare services, health equity and prevention polices for decades.

The Board heard and believed his version of events which were in stark contrast to those reported in the media. Dr Galler is a highly valued member of the HCA Board, and we are pleased that he will continue in that role.

As an organisation, HCA remains steadfast in its commitment to professionalism, integrity, and nonpartisan advocacy for stronger prevention policies.

Dr Galler’s actions were his own and he was not acting on behalf of HCA.

HCA will continue its vital work to promote better public health outcomes and evidence-based policy.

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